I’m glad I’m not one of these Six Zodiac Men That May Experience The Worst Age of Aquarius inter-dimensional Jet lag

Spoiler alert: the final sign on the list is a huge plot twist.

Nyhir'Vana Rho-Ophiuchi
17 min readJul 16, 2022
Photo by mwangi gatheca on Unsplash

According to Astrologers (like myself) currently, we are in a transitionary period of time known as “The Shift of Ages.” For approximately 2100 years, humankind has come to develop a collective “Piscean” reality.

Concepts of :
• Religion
• “God”
• Spirituality
• Compassion
• Slavery
• Fantasy
• Illusion
• Delusion
• Creativity
• Art
• Love
• Fame
• Loss of identity Wisdom
• Finding peace/happily ever after
• Imprisonment
• Oblivion is what we have collectively deemed synonymous with who we are, and what existence is, because of the prior brutal and violent Age of Aries before “Christ.”

Neptune’s reign (Pisces’ modern planetary ruler) brought an age of light and darkness but also light as darkness and darkness as light. Because the age of Pisces is ruled by both Neptune & Jupiter, there was a constant struggle and blurring of lines between TRUTH vs. FICTION. This, (in my opinion) will cause some people to be -at least temporarily- “lost in the sauce” in the Age of Pisces. For everyone alive right now, all we have come to know is the energy of the Piscean age, though some of us were born with the ability, or destiny even, to lead others through their negligence of evolution or stagnancy of their own minds. Before I created a 2 Part podcast episode on this topic on my podcast, “The Plutoshine Seismic Effect!” I wrote down an in-depth analysis on these six specific signs, or even people with an abundance of these energies in their birth charts…For they may need to put in a considerable amount of effort to adjust to this shift into the Age of Aquarius or as we’ll call throughout this article, the “AOA”.

Here are my original (more or less) drafts, thoughts, and take on the six zodiac signs, grammatically remastered and sans the podcast intro music of course:


These cool zodiac art images are brought to you by 2D Artist Phantom Rin on Twitter. Thank you once again!

You knew this one was coming.

We are coming out of your age and into the Age of Aquarius. Now is your chance to grab on to what you must and see through the veil to the truth before it’s too late, and the following occurs:

Piscean energy is at high risk of becoming lost in our current Piscean age forever if there is any hesitation and resistance to shifting to this new age. Why?
Everything about leaving your comfort zone feels life-threatening. Uncertainty is dangerous for you but the greater danger lies is believing in the illusion that things will go back to the way it was. It won’t… It’s up to you to decipher through the age where everything that was perverted, blurred, and inverted was normal to you. Accepting reality has always been somewhat of a nuance to Pisces energy. These men aren’t really “of this world,” but this is one reality you must quickly be aware of and act accordingly, because what you say and think has even more power to manifest, and as a water sign, if you are caught wishing for things to be as they were; you will encounter yourself stuck in time with no escape. In the beginning, people will relate to your energy and project their unwillingness to change onto you… Boundaries is absolutely vital. You may become the face of the “resistance” only to discover you’re on the WRONG SIDE. Everything you were used to doing, especially your values, and money situation will metamorphize. You can actually become very wealthy if you are an artistic, creative person. People will place high value on art, fashion, music, dance, spirituality and other forms of creativity, but if you get lost in the wealth and do things for monetary gain, then you are living again in the Piscean age, which for you will be easier to get carried away and do.

Everything you believed to be true must reveal itself now, and I don’t know how many lies or illusions you accepted as fact… which at the same time isn’t your fault. Some may take until the end of the Aquarian age… With Neptune clouding shit, it’s just hard to say. That’s why you out of everyone on this list must be vigilant because it’s a VERY dangerous game if you do slumber. Piscean energy men have one of thee hardest jet lag symptoms from this shift and some will dogmatically fight with their last dying breath to not be dragged into this obscure Aquarian age, believing it is “evil”, or “satanic”, and I’m not saying that it isn’t, but that’s not the point. There is a spectrum to life and you can’t spiritually bypass everything with light and love, but trust that all things end there. Out of the entire zodiac, You kings know best that not everything is what it may seem in this upside-down, backward matrix.


Ah! My young grasshoppers… I mean crabs.

Cancerians also will experience some troublesome and notable challenges that particularly set them apart from the other signs. The Water element can have a tendency to hold onto to things and cease natural flow. Cancerian energy with this Age shift can singlehandedly manifest its own disruptions to comfort through negative subconscious Piscean programming alone. With fellow water bro Pisces, the shift is more about not falling into the dormancy of the old paradigm due to fear of the unknown Aquarian age. Withering away in a fantasy that can allow them to cling to their old Piscean identity and trapping them between realties. Your other water sign brethren Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of extremity, death, crises, rebirth and ultimately, transformation. Uranus, the planetary ruler of the Age of Aquarius is also exalted in the sign of Scorpio in Modern Astrology. These to me, are more or less mitigating factors for them and some of the challenges they may face. But here we have Cancers… Cancerian energy runs into the challenge like most signs of the list of letting go and changing, except, this energy is the worst at doing that in constructive ways. Cancer is ruled by the moon, a very emotionally charged, memory retaining, vulnerable, and safety seeking celestial body. Once a Cancer has associated a certain way of life as their foundation and roots, anything that disturbs that sends them into thoughts of lack, panic, worry. In this new age, your thoughts become reality quite speedily, as Aquarius and Uranus rules over the third eye or pineal gland of the human body. This can cause a snowball effect (or tsunami) of negative energy and unwanted manifestations. Cancerian men can easily construct a cycle of bad habits this way, not realizing the patterns they are encasing themselves in.

Every single day, (and every other day since the moon changes signs like every 2 days,) Cancerian energy needs to hold itself accountable, because every day in this AOA counts and accumulates to either a positive habit or negative one. You will start becoming super aware of your health & nutrition, what health really is, and how flawed the medical system of the Piscean age is. After a little bit of initial resistance, possibly even a health scare, or life changing medical emergency involving you or someone close to you, Cancerians will be inspired to start seriously quitting vices. Or, If you work in the medical field, lots of doctors and nurses, -including you- will be called to exit their existing corrupt jobs and careers without fear of their security. Although it’s possible it may take a while for this movement to really set ablaze. On a brighter note, you may just hear of cancer being cured in your lifetime by some new technology or I’ll bet you or your children could even be a part of these special individuals to bring this special healing technology to the rest of us.


Speaking of holding on to the past,

being a fixed sign, Taurus can be NOTORIOUS for this as well. Taurus men don’t like a lot of radical chaos being ruled by the planet of love, beauty and balance, Venus. The world transforming will not be a pretty sight for them. For guys with an abundance of Taurus energy, you can feel like your whole physical body and world is being altered very dramatically, especially in the beginning of this shift as Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, is in your sign. Your sense and understanding of value, wealth and stability feels like it’s being constantly targeted. New things are constantly introduced into your life and you’re being asked to make so many changes, very, very suddenly. This shift will no doubt lead to bouts of immense frustration in all areas of your life. The patience you are so well known for will be thrown out the window, and you may start to behave in ways that are beneath you just to get things done. Uranus (the ruler of this new age) is literally pushing you into the AOA before you can process the steps your feet are walking. Taurean men will have to learn how to quickly adjust to the notion of time. Planning? The hell is that? Don’t even bother being too strict with a plan, Uranus will f —* it up anyway!

Everything in your reality appears distant.. like it never really happened. And then an idea comes to mind. “I want to start completely over.” Just like that, Uranus sparks hundreds and hundreds of innovative ideas, day in, day out, year after year, for the next 2100 years, as you seek to build a new foundation and leave the past behind. You want to explore buying property and move into a new home. Maybe you’ve never wanted a family and now that’s all you can think about. Your emotional world becomes magnified and you become much more of a domestic person than ever before. Your image is first to go. You may secretly (maybe even publicly) go through an identity crisis. Awaken to long standing relationships being toxic (‘cause you really didn’t believe what everyone was telling you for some unknown neptunian unexplainable reason) and it all hurts. Evolution is not pretty, but just remember, you’re not alone in this although it may feel very lonesome.

As the Earth shifts into a higher frequency, Taurus will be among the first, if not the first, to feel the new Schumann Resonance. As life moves forward everything about the world will feel… off, like there is a backdrop of uneasy foreign energy in the air at all times. This will excite and electrify some Taureans, and others will cling to the way things used to be, longing for the illusion of stability that we all were fed in the Age of Pisces. Unlike the rest of us men; you have a head start if you can embrace and ride the waves of revelatory Uranian intuition that will honour you with the truth. The Taurus experience has been one of learning about physical reality and its often times dual nature so far. In the Age of Pisces, you not only understand but “over stand that just when everything seems linear, it’s not. The art of speaking into existence is a powerful cheat code that would do you a disservice if used negatively in your new life because of hardships. Every start is rocky, so Be patient my kings… but hurry up..and I know that’s asking a lot.


Leos, Leos, Leos.

If you’re man with a lot of Leonian energy and you fail to gauge your self-confidence, self-expression, egotistical tendencies, or abuse your authority in your relationships… If in this age you do not change the way you relate to others, we all collectively will chew you up and spit you out. Leo’s need to be careful because at any moment other people will dictate whether it’s lights out for you. Half the fun and games Leo energy individuals were used to playing (or putting up with depending on the type of man you are) people will no longer be tolerant of. On the other side of the spectrum, this can be you who is shutting shit down in your relationships once and for all, and this includes the relationship you have with yourself. Leo energy can manifest as a myriad of archetypes like celebrities, authority figures, masculine energy men or women , children, lions, but also the “glory days.” We all will laugh at how childish some Celebrities were, are, and are becoming, and praise intellects of Aquarian standards so if you fall on the Leonian side of the spectrum, take heed. A melancholy nostalgic presence will soon loom over those with powerful Leo energy, missing how it used to be, this is enough to drive Leos to maniacal and absurd lengths to stop at nothing to get back adoration and attention. The truth of the matter is, we’re just not checking for your qualities like that anymore bro. In the Age of Pisces, those who represented Leonian energy became routinely for us and interwoven in our lives. We picked apart every little detail from gossip, rumours, which celebrities is doing what, or which public figure is saying this, meanwhile their creative expression was used as a tool of slavery and mind control against us. Some Men “rose to fame” and developed what seemed to be a superiority complex; shaming poor, middle class, or the “average” working citizen. This paradigm will fall and if Leos aren’t careful, they’ll go down right along with the rubble. This is like as they say “God humbling you.” Leonian men may develop a hidden envy or resentment for the Aquarian age as a whole because the energy is in opposition to theirs and it’s just unpleasant to be in an upside-down world. In fact, other Leonian men and those with strong Leo energy can feel attacked by “trolls” on the internet, the world at large, and even their relationships! So choose your relationships extra wisely.

This is a challenge that won’t be apparent at first, but as these long 2100 years go on, it will feel a little never ending for my Leo bros. The challenge for all of humanity but especially you, is to find a new way to have fun in life, and accept that this is where humanity is evolving. Leos will be among the first to become wildly controversial when it comes to forming or even discussing relationships and Leonian types of relationships will be all the rage. If you are invited by a Leo homie to a wedding, it will be sure to be different than any you’ve previously attended, AND…You might just meet someone truly special there.

The light Leos may lose in the age of Aquarius might manifest in their own relationships as the love of their lives, business partnerships, or even finding a unique and fun ways to keep the one you love endless and not mundane. Once you successfully let go of your Age of Pisces persona Leos, life won’t seem like it’s making you the maid, or like it’s so much work as it once did .


Next up we have Virgo. The Pisces-Aquarius Shift is hitting Virgos in a more challenging way as well.

Virgo is a mutable sign, that excels at adapting to any kind of situation, but the shift of ages will definitely test your abilities of patience. All of a sudden (or meticulously , this age is kind of unpredictable) your world view becomes more intense and extreme, or black and white, or pessimistic. A more serious tone and a darker hue engulfs your reality. Relationships you’ve known all your life will start to erode away, and you will see that you only really have your self at the end of it all. Many Virgo men will go through a period of breaking down and rebuilding from the ground up. You may be the ones that also deal with a lot of death, and I’m not suggesting personally in your life (although this is possible too) but all around you, you see all aspects of life dying, and being transformed before your very eyes, and its just… a bit disturbing and graphic. This is a reflection on what is happening with your human experience. Virgo men will be the first people you are going to meet, talk to, interact with when someone is going through any sort of crisis. Financial. Psychological. Especially Psychological. As A Virgo you will go into the depths of your mind, farther than you’ve ever been before, so be prepared. You almost become like a magnet for difficult situations. Either you’re in one, and if you’re not, somebody is leaning on you for strength because they’re in one. You will find yourself constantly surround by karmic situations, where you see people lose power and control of their lives and become homeless. You could also see people go from homeless to billionaire, and you could even be in a position where you help transform people’s financial situations into opulence and generational wealth. Virgo will be the main one working out the plan on how the world will move forward with our financial system, they will have grand opportunities to be invited into wealthy societies that might just open their eyes at what is really going on.

This shift will challenge Virgo men with their ethics, judgement and use of power because they will soon find out, they have a lot of it at their disposal. It’s also imperative to be aware of your mental health. The psychology of your mind is much more crucial in creating the world you want to live in. In fact, everyone on this list is probably going to reach out to you, because you will be the best at giving them an energy that can help heal them. You could also get lost obsessing over things like sex and gambling or take too many financial risk that leave you stricken with your worst nightmare, poverty. In this age, things can happen in a never-ending cycle if you are not aware, and so spirituality also becomes a critical life pillar. Dive into understand the mysteries of life, Astrology is great at helping you achieve this. If you notice yourself adhering TOO MUCH to what people are saying in your relationships, or if you’re using your relationships as a crutch, you’re falling into the age of pisces energy and the universe will present them ultimately as false or misleading information sources in the end, showing you that once again, you need to do things alone. A wise woman once said:

“don’t start imitating receptionist behaviour when on the inside, you’re a CEO.“ — ScorpioSunScorpioMoon

“Make it a habit, (something you are excellent at) to write down any negative fears and feelings. Get in the dark, light a candle and burn that mf energy OUT OF YOUR LIFE. These things seem silly, or like a ritual, but doesn’t the Sun rise and set every day, doesn’t the Moon grow from new to full. If nature can be ritualistic and be so successful, so should we. Even though it may be a challenging 2100 years, there will be periods within that cycle that will be the most transformative. Extreme moments of joy and a visceral zest for life, wealth, and rewarding moments helping people through the toughest moments of their life. And I mean, being that person with the solution is all you ever wanted to do… right?



PLOT TWIST! Yes, Aquarius.

If there is ever a time where Aquarians feel the most awkward, it’s in your own astrological age. At least in the initial shifting where all is chaos (like presently) and your sense of identity is rapidly transforming, where it takes everything to just keep up with yourself. You notice everything wrong with the world, things you’ve been seeing and speaking on for years and you feel like you’re finally being validated but still, you’re the only one who sees it while everyone continues about their existence in cognitive dissonance. (WTF?)
Then a hyper-fixation with Aquarian energy will soon bloom over Aquarian ideals, doctrines and Aquarian energy individuals too. All of a sudden (and you know that feeling very well) you become the world’s focal point. Your thoughts matter. Your visions are super precise. You’re center stage and you’re not quite that used to the high demand for your abilities. In every area of society, Aquarian men will quickly become a hot commodity for positive, and negative reasons. EVERY area of your life my dude… will never be the same… so at this point, just let it all fall away. The traditional ruler of Aquarius Saturn will build new structures. If you haven’t, you have to quickly learn to accept and love yourself unconditionally and your eccentrism because

  1. The rest of us will consider it GOLD and desperately need it
  2. and two, on the flip side, people will be itching to drag and demonize you. You need to be knuckled up and ready.

People will unconsciously blame you or feel like you are the walking embodiment of the destruction of the life they once had in the Age of Pisces. Watch your company. WATCH… your company. In your personal life, it literally will start to feel like a hurricane, thunderstorm and volcanic eruption all in one. Sometimes all in a day you can experience this. Everyone will look up to you, or project on you, or want to take something from you, or want to control you, or want to be like you, or want to take you down. Your home life may frustrate the hell out of you for holding on to the Earth of the past, while you’re trying to bring everyone into the optimal future that’s knocking on your front door now that only you can see. (and I guess hear)

I could go on and on but as you can see, there is so damn much on your plate and it seams as though your destiny has arrived and you only have 5 mins before the Uber drives off. Everything Aquarian is in hyperdrive and although you are the best at navigating this energy, you can sometimes feel like you have imposter syndrome. Some people will call you a “child of the beast” because of your New Age philosophies, while others with discernment are listening and witnessing your humanitarian efforts actually changing the world. Bro, just you being you is making for a more harmonious world of equilibrium because you kings of this energy have been downed and silenced for like what?..oh, just some 2100 years. Your modern planetary ruler Uranus, rules this new age, so on the plus not only do you instantly feel at home in this new world, but conversely during the transition, your light body will activate. Sure, why don’t we just make you more an outcast than ever before. Thankfully, the energy of this age will allow you to find your true squad. Some say these are the “The Chosen Ones.” Don’t worry, we all will begin to see the world through your eyes now, so despite everything, you could say we’re a million times more disadvantaged than you. You just brutally feel it all and lead the rest of us like a bodyguard. (I’m kiddin’ but like I’m not…Thanks Aqua!)

Aquarians will become the leaders of not only society but our universe as we transcend into the unknown possibilities of human evolution and although the start may be rocky, people will praise them for their revolutionary scientific resolutions (that to them may just be common sense) that bring us all to a golden age and eventually…utopia.


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Nyhir'Vana Rho-Ophiuchi

Cosmic Stoic. Silent-ish Protagonist. Join my Zol'ciety & subscribe on YouTube🪐 zodiai.ghost.io